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John O'Neil
Biographies - John O'Neil

Port Lavaca

Source: "Types of Successful Men of Texas, Pages 207-208"
Author; L. E. Daniell
Published By The Author
Eugene Von Boeckmann, Printer and Bookbinder

Submitted by: J. Barker

             Judge O'Neil, the County Judge of Lavaca county, is a native Texan, and resides within a quarter of a mile of the scene of his nativity. He was born April 26, 1848. His parents bore the plain names of John and Mary.

             He was given a fair education, such as is afforded by the county schools only. Although a mere boy he volunteered as a soldier in the Confederate army in the latter part of the war, and served in Company E, in Waller's Battery, Green's Brigade, and was at the battle of Yellow Bayou in 1864.

             After the war he returned to his paternal roof, and began life without the advantage of means, or experience in any kind of business. What he has was accumulated by his unaided exertions, and his life was not strewn with roses. The Judge built and now owns the Sea-Side Hotel in Lavaca, and has $50,000 invested in lands and real estate. He has a cattle ranch of 5000 acres on which he has introduced fine blooded stock, and owns herds of improved horses and cattle.

             In religion Judge O'Neil was raised a Catholic; yet he is a Mason. He is a Democrat. His wife was a Miss M. J. Robinson, of Indianola; they have seven children: James D., aged 16; Estelle, 14; Annie, 12; Edgar, 9; Ethel, 6; Jennie, 4, and John, aged 2.

             Judge O'Neil was Sheriff of his county two years, from 1886-1888. It is stated to be a singular fact and worthy of record that O'Neil was the only Sheriff and Collector Lavaca county ever had, who made a full and satisfactory settlement with the State and county on retiring from office; In 1888 he was elected County Judge.

             Judge O'Neil is of the Saxon or blonde type, with blue-grey eyes; is six feet tall and as erect as a young Sycamore tree. He enjoys the confidence and respect of all who know him.



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