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Dr. S. S. Shackelford

Biographies - Dr. S. S. Shackelford


Source: "Types of Successful Men of Texas, Pages 232 - 233"
Author; L. E. Daniell
Published By The Author
Eugene Von Boeckmann, Printer and Bookbinder

Submitted by: J. Barker

             Dr. Shackelford is a practicing Dentist of the city of Austin. He is one of the leading spirits in his profession, being a member of the State Dental Association, and one of its executive committee. He is also a member of the Tennessee Dental Society, he having resided in that State at one time. In Austin Dr. Shackelford is much esteemed; he is a prominent citizen and is identified with society and numerous organizations; he is a high Mason, and a Knight Templar, being a member of Colorado Commandery No. 4. He is, also, a member of the Christian church, and is the author of the Austin Dental Journal. He is a Democrat, but is conservative, taking only passive interest in political matters.

         Born in Platte county, Missouri, he passed his early days in and near St. Joseph, where as a boy he went to school.

         Reuben S. Shackelford, his father, was a Virginian, and his mother, Wilberry Shackelford, was a Tennessee lady.

         Samuel S. was educated at Nashville, by Harry Hill, the old steamboat-man of Mississippi river fame. Choosing Dentistry for a profession, he began a preparatory course of reading, and after a time went to St. Louis and studied with Dr. Joseph Forbes. After attending the required courses in the dental department of the University of Tennessee, he graduated and was given his diploma. He took two subsequent courses of lectures, one at Ann Arbor, Michigan.

         After two years' practice with his preceptor, Dr. Forbes, in St. Louis, Dr. Shackelford came to Austin and located. He at once entered upon the practice of dentistry, and has succeeded to an enviable degree, competing with some of the ablest dentists of the State, and is to-day regarded as a superior and skillful practitioner.

         At the age of seventeen Dr. Shackelford was married in Richmond, Roy county, Mo., to Miss Ellen Calden. They had one child, a son, Allie Scott Shackleford, who resides in Austin with his father. Mrs. Shackelford died in 1874.

             Dr. Shackelford is in the prime of early manhood, and is a prominent society man, being a widower. In height he is five feet nine inches, and weighs about 145 pounds, has black curly hair and gray eyes; is what would be called a handsome man.