GedHTree HomepageIndex
1939 - 1945 World War II
1945 Atomic bomb detonated (Hiroshima)
1950 Korean War begins
1964 - 1973 Vietnam War
1969 Armstrong first person on the moon
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1908 Ford produces Model T
1913 Edison invents movies w/sound
1914 - 1918 World War I
1929 The Great Depression begins
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
1898 Spanish-American War
 Harrison Lee Clark
 b.1864 Cherokee Co., Alabama
 d.1926 Pittsburg, Texas
 James Oren Clark
 b.1902 Arlington, Texas
 d.1989 Hereford, Texas
 Laura Ann Story
 b.1865 Broomtown, Alabama
 d.1904 Arlington, Texas
 Jason Lee Clark
 b. Private
 Richard Lee Clark
 b.1936 Hereford, Texas
 d.2007 Temple. Texas
 Dawson Lee Clark
 b. Private
 Leatrus Gladis Walser
 b.1911 Chillicothe, Texas
 d.2011 Austin, Texas
 Mitchell Lee Clark
 b. Private
 Preston Lee Clark
 b. Private
 John Morris Dawson
 d.1978 Hereford, Texas
 Patricia Ann Dawson
 b. Private
 Dollie Finch
 b.1912 Chillicothe, Texas
 d.1992 Hereford, Texas